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On-line Reservation
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Fully secured, abundant, dedicated carbays are available on an hourly or a monthly basis.
Our meeting rooms are ideal for small meeting or break-out sessions.

We provide storage for archive files and promotional materials, therefore you need not clutter your office with unwanted materials which you do not need regularly.
Our pantry is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave and water cooler and well-stocked with refreshments.

Ergonomically decorated office suites can be rented by hour or longer, convenient to those who only need a small space for one-on-one meetings.
Each office is inclusive of a "standard" set of office furniture which includes a working table, 1 executive chair, 1 visitor's chair, 1 telephone set and 1 waste paper bin.
introduction | about us | features | solutions | on-line reservation | gallery | customer service
(C) 2002 Associated Business Centre